Friday, July 29, 2011

Do you Exercise??

This blog is dedicated to my son, JM, who suggested I write these blogs as a way to inspire and to be inspired by others with diabetes.  Thanks JM!

You know those avid "gym rats" who live for fitness?  Well,  I wish I was one of them....but the sad truth is that
 I am not.  I do force myself to exercise about three times per week...and my very motivated husband does try to motivate me as well.  I also draw inspiration from my incredible daughter, who jogs, and from my sister who does weight bearing exercises everyday.  But some days (especially in the dead of winter when its frigid outside) I'd prefer to hang by my ear lobes than go to the gym.  So...this is an area where YOU...can motivate me!
What do you do for exercise?  Are you a motivated exerciser?  What keeps you motivated?  Please post comments.  I will reply to each one....I promise!
Also....feel free to add your e-mail address all the way at the top to receive these blogs via e-mail.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Do Your Fingertips Look Like Pin Cushions?

This blog is dedicated to "Anonymous" and her sister.  Thanks for your question.

 Several weeks ago in preparation for a wedding, I decided to treat myself to a manicure. The manicurist noticed my polka dotted fingertips and questioned why they looked that way.  She gave me one of those looks as if she suspected that I might be a member of some weird self mutilation cult.  When I left there I wondered if while I was looking at my newly polished nails, if others would be looking at my bruised fingertips instead.

We all know that blood sugar testing is the way to go.  We know we should be testing upon awakening , prior to meals and at bedtime.  But for me, the prescribed 4 times per day of testing just doesnt cut it.  I feel that it would be careless to drive without testing and I must test before and after exercising to avoid low blood sugars.   Then there are times when I just feel that my blood sugar is low and that always requires a test.  So...I find myself testing at least 5 to 8 times per day.  I cant say that I "like" to do this.....who would?  But I am now quite used to it and unashamed of my commitment of caring for my health.

I remember that after my children were born, it took me some time to  lose the 20 pounds of pregnancy weight gain.  Friends would tell me to wear the weight proudly as a badge of motherly honor.  When I glance down at my fingertips I think I will wear my bruises proudly, as a badge of health!

I'd love to hear from you....are your fingertips like pin cushions?  How often do you test your blood sugar?

Feel free to join my blog and receive my new blogs via e-mail. Type your e-mail address in the space under the heading up at the top.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Moment of Truth

Having Diabetes, we all have numerous doctor visits throughout the year.  There are the quarterly Endocrinology appointments and the annual Podiatry appointments and others.  But the one that makes me shiver in my sleep is the annual Ophthalmology appointment.  Each year as this day approaches my anticipation grows and with it comes a healthy dose of fear.  For the past 27 years the morning of the appointment has always been my scariest day of the year and that day was today!
When my name was called.  I entered the examination room and was greeted by my doctor who was holding my chart out in front of him.   "Hmmmm ....diabetes since 1984....wellllllllll lets see what we find."  The inference was that ...of course he "would" find something.
First, the easy part...checking of my vision.  Yes, I needed a stronger Rx for reading surprise there and my distance had deteriorated very mildly....but the big exam was yet to come.
The Moment of Truth.....the doctor was beginning the retinal exam.  I felt my heart racing and seconds literally seemed like hours.  My left eye was done and he was moving over to the my right eye....SILENTLY.  What did that mean?  Was he waiting to give me the bad news when  he was all finished?   He had to be.  The right eye ...again seconds taking hours to pass.  And then the announcement......."NOTHING...NO RETINAL CHANGES!"

EXHALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hadnt even realized that I had been holding my breath!!!!!

Do your annual eye exams go the same way as mine?  I'd love to hear about them!!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Are You a Diabetic?

Are you a "Diabetic?"  I am NOT!  No, I am not in denial.  I have lived with Type 1 Diabetes for 27 years.  But it has never nor will it ever define me.  I AM many things among which are  a Mother; a wife; a sister; a daughter; a friend and now...a blogger  AND I have Diabetes.  I take my illness very seriously and I live a full and wonderful life.  Is it easy?  Of course not...but no one ever said that it would be.  Is it worth the effort?  Of course it is.  The effort that I put into maintaining my health enables me to live my life to the fullest.  

Please comment and tell me ....  are you a Diabetic???? 
What defines you????

Friday, July 22, 2011

Twenty Seven Years with Type 1 Diabetes

I've had Type 1 Diabetes for 27 glorious years!  I'll bet that this sounds a bit shocking ....but its true and for many reasons.  Its 2011...information to help us care for our diabetes is right at our fingertips...yes the pun was intended.  And if you take a few moments to check the web for Blood Glucose meters, you will find that there have never been more on the market that do so much in just a few seconds.  Plus insulin delivery has never been easier.  One can select from insulin delivery pens to pumps or to plain old syringes with teeny tiny needles.  
But this blog is going to be more about how I have dealt with this illness for 27 years and how I still have no complications.  Over the course of time I will also write about how I gave birth to two healthy incredible kids and I will talk about my changing emotions throughout these 27 years.  
As my dear Mother always says..."Every day is a gift."  She's 90, so she speaks with experience!  I like to say that "Every day with diabetes is a gift."  My perspective comes from the following analogy.  Car enthusiasts often say that a car with a manual transmission handles better than its counterpart with an automatic transmission.   Well in my opinion its the same with diabetes.  By putting one's self in "manual transmission", it is possible to  achieve better health with diabetes than without the illness.  

I would like to hear from you.  Please comment on what I have written and tell me your thoughts and feelings on having Type 1 Diabetes.